organized lifestyle store

5 Ways to Be More Efficient

1. Set your top 5 goals for the day at the beginning of everyday. 2. Don’t let meaningless interuptions derail you from completing those goals. 3. Multi-tasking is not always more efficient. Don’t interupt yourself constantly while trying to complete a task. It is better to hold off on the temptation to check the e-mail

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Toy Room and Kids Organization Principles Workshop at the Organized Lifestyle Store!

Toy Room and Kids Organization Principles Are your kids toys taking over your house? Does mom keep bringing over presents for the kid? Is your daughter’s closet already unmanageable and she hasn’t even hit her teen shopping years yet? Come learn how to tackle toy storage, clothing management, and general organizing tips for kids. Taught

Toy Room and Kids Organization Principles Workshop at the Organized Lifestyle Store! Read More »