Are you having trouble keeping up with tracking your finances for your home or business? We can help you!
We know how tedious and boring tracking receipts can be. We use various methods to help you track your expenses, formulate budgets and even pay your bills. We can help you write checks and train you to pay bills online, keep spreadsheets for budgets, or enter all of your data in accounting software such as Quicken or Quickbooks.
Our Senior Professional Organizer holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and currently runs four businesses that are over ten years old. She has the experience to help. If you feel overwhelmed by managing paperwork and tracking your finances, hate making spending decisions, or you find you are too busy to get started consider giving Livable Solutions Professional Organizing a call today.
Our team of professional organizers can help you make a plan and get organized. With our experience, guidance and enthusiasm we can make any organizing challenge easier. Livable Solutions professional organizers have organized, homes, offices and small businesses in Connecticut since 2004. Let our love of organizing be your motivation to achieve your goals.
Our organizing services include:
- Creating a step by step plan for you to follow independently or with us at your side
- Helping you determine a budget and assess where you can save money
- Creating a comprehensive paper and digital filing system for your paperwork
- Helping you sort and prepare paperwork for each tax season
- Setting-up accounting software programs such as Quicken or Quickbooks to manage your finances for your home or business and train you how to use them
- Retrieving your mail, sort, make deposits and pay bills on a weekly or monthly basis
- Developing archiving systems, inventory systems and record retention plans
- Managing your books for your home or small business on a weekly or monthly basis
- Helping you with time management and task completion strategies
- Connecting you with our long list of trusted local resources to complete any technology related services, accounting needs, or to provide materials to complete your goals
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