The efficient office at home or work should be zoned into activity areas. These areas will help you stay focused on the particular task you are working on.
1. The Work Center:
This center includes a clear workspace, the computer and frequently-used office products. This is where you accomplish most of your day-to-day work. The clear workspace is for writing, placing paperwork to look at, putting things together, or whatever it is that suits your needs. Do NOT convince yourself that the place where your keyboard sits is a clear workspace. It will not allow you to feel free to move and work as you please if you need to first move an important object such as a keyboard first. The computer is always important to keep close by your immediate work area since it plays such a vital role in most of the work we do today. Important office supplies include a pen, a stapler, sticky notes or whatever else you need to carry out daily tasks.
2. The Reference Center:
This is home to your binders, manuals, dictionary and professional books and materials. All the materials you use as to reference facts, figures, theories or important industry knowledge are important. However, they do not belong in your direct “work space” area unless you utilize the reference every single day.
3. The Supply Center:
This center contains office and paper supplies. Things you definitely need to store close at hand but do not use more than once a week or when working on specific projects. This center is also best kept out of sight if possible.
After these activity centers are clearly defined it will be easier to navigate your work space and stay focused to complete your different jobs more efficiently and effectively!