How To Create Your Own Vision Board

Creating a vision board is one of my favorite traditions in the New Year.   It’s a great activity to outline your goals, dreams and projects for the next year in a more abstract way.  I love to look back at the end of the year and see what I accomplished and the emotional and physical work I still need to do.   

Benefits of A Vision Board 

Vision boards really help both the creative and linear thinking person outline what they want to achieve or improve in their lives.  Law of attraction proponents argue that if you put it out it into the world you will attract and achieve it. By looking at the board each day you are reminding yourself about what is important to you.  The best parts about making a board is there are no rules…and it helps you get rid of old magazines. 

What are your vision board themes? 

I like to keep my boards from year to year so I use a page of scrapbooking paper as my base.  Once the board is done I slip it into a scrapbook so I can flip through and see how my boards have changed over time.   If you do this you will notice the same themes continue to emerge.   

You might find that you are always placing importance on healthy eating, but for some reason you do not make a plan to create a better habit.  Maybe you put a picture of a yoga mat each year, but you still have not signed up for a class to actually try it.  What you do not accomplish each year but still gravitate towards every time you make a board can really tell you a lot about yourself. 

How does a Vision Board fit into organizing? 

In my Home and Life Decluttering Workbook I devote an entire section on the Mind/Body connection as an essential component to successful organization.  Taking care of yourself is more important than any object you keep in your home.  When your mind and body are out of balance it creates further imbalance in every area of your life. 

I believe there a three essentials to rebalancing your mind and body. It is nothing you have not heard before, but we all need the reminder that the basics matter the most.  Healthy eating, physical exercise and emotional health are the foundation of happiness in your home, relationships and personal growth.  That’s why I included a Vision Board activity as part of goal setting and planning your journey physically and mentally decluttering. 

How to I make a Vision Board 

Here are my instructions for making your own.  Have fun! 

Step One:  Gather Your Materials 

Magazines (a great way to get rid of old magazines) 





Step Two:  Gather your Pictures 

Flip through the magazines and cut out pictures, images and words that resonate with you. You don’t need to know why. 

Step Three:  Glue 

Cut out the pictures and phrases you want to keep and glue them to a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper or pretty piece of scrapbook size paper.  This can also be done in a journal or notebook if you prefer. Glue down the photos in any random order. Have fun with this abstract thought process. Linear thinkers gravitate towards words where my creative participants use pictures in their board. Often, just picking photos helps you understand your learning process. Use markers or a pen to journal or write on the board if you want to as well. 

Step Four:  Decipher the meaning of your vision board 

Understand what the vision board is representing. It could be short term goals, a detailed chart of a specific goal such as building a new home, or it could be for long term goals in your life 

Step Five: Hang the Board 

Put your board in a place that you will see it and be reminded of your goals. 

Step Six: Check In 

Check in with yourself from time to time to monitor your progress.  Whether it is a monthly ritual or a daily ritual, spend some time reflecting on how close you are to reaching your goals. 

Consider Goal Setting Activities if you enjoyed this process 

If you found going through this process really helpful and want to go deeper, consider doing some more detailed goal planning activities.  I created the Complete Goal Planning  System to help people focus on their priorities, make a plan and have the tools to achieve them. 

This printable PDF of the system will help you identify and achieve goals. You will start by preparing your mind to address road blocks, mental clutter, physical challenges and relationships that inhibit you from achieving goals. Templates help you brainstorm your dreams and personal goals, create and outline a plan, and time manage how to achieve them. There are activities and worksheets that will challenge you to reflect and focus on your priorities and even understand them more. 

Have a Vision Board Party 

I have always had the most fun doing the vision board process with a group of friends or running a workshop for others.  I love the conversations that emerge as everyone is assembling their boards.  At the end when everyone gets to present their boards and share what they visualize for their future is also a great joy.  No two boards are the same, but many of the themes we all focus on are. 

I hope you this post has inspired you to think about the year ahead and create some momentum towards positive change. 

Happy Organizing! 


Kristin Vander Wiede is a Professional Organizer and owner of Livable Solutions Professional Organizing and Life’s Lists printable organizing labels, systems and activities. 

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