Vacation Services

Do you struggle with coordinating your travel arrangements and remembering details? Are you leaving your home for a week, month, or season and need a point of contact for checking mail and more? We can help you!

Whether you are going on a short trip or bounce back and forth between two or more homes you might struggle with keeping up with the mail or checking on your property.  If you are planning a vacation for the family you may also need help preparing, packing and coordinating your plans.

We have worked with clients who need mail picked up at their post office boxes/mailboxes and scanned digital copies of the important bills and correspondence so they don’t miss something important while they are out of state or in another country.  We also pick up mail, sort it, remove junk mail, pull out what is important and file it  in your home or office so you can rest assured there won’t be a huge pile to go through when you come home.  We also meet professionals or service contractors while you are away and check on your home to make sure nothing has been damaged while you are away.

In addition to our services for watching your  home while you are away, we also help you pack, organize travel documents, prepare checklists and manage your travel arrangements.

Our team of professional organizers can help you make a plan and get organized.  With our experience, guidance and  enthusiasm we can make any organizing challenge easier.  Livable Solutions professional organizers have organized, homes, offices and small businesses in Connecticut since 2004.  Let our love of organizing be your motivation to achieve your goals.

Our organizing services include:

  1. Helping you coordinate travel plans and documents
  2. Helping you pack for a trip
  3. Picking up your mail, sorting, filing, emailing it, and scanning it to you
  4. Managing any services or contractors that you may need at the home while you are away
  5. Providing you with a point of contact to know your home is safe while you are gone
  6. Providing you with a list of trusted resources to help you should something happen that requires a repair or emergency service in your home while you are away

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