Have No Fear, Our Scary Desk Contest is Here!

With a little neglect our desks at home or at the office can become a terrifying mess! Some say a messy desk is a sign of creativity and imagination. Many times this is simply our justification for the mountain of papers, stray pens and pencils, and empty water bottles piled on our desks at any given time.

MessyDeskWhen looking for lost items on your desk becomes scarier than the things that go bump in the night, something must be done!

1. Use A System To Manage Paper

The thing that makes most desks cluttered is paper. The best thing to do is try to come up with a system for purging  and filing paperwork that works for you! Create a place for every piece of paper that comes your way.  Set up trays or desktop files that are designated to actions that must be taken.  For example, Take Action, To File, Bills to Pay, Reply, etc.  Whatever you need to do with your papers on a regular basis is how you should set up your files.  Remember do NOT put them out of sight.  If they are right in front of you, you will be more likely to take action and do what needs to be done.  Now you just got rid of the scariest part of your desk!

2. Trash those printouts

After printing a file and completing the action associated with it, throw it away. You already have a copy of it on your computer, so you don’t  need to keep it lying around on your desk.

3. Throw away pens

Why do you need so many pens? Throw them all out except for two or three. If it doesn’t have a cap, toss it.

4. Limit photo frames on your desk

Pictures of loved ones remind us of what’s important in our lives. More than three on your desk, however, is a distraction. Instead, use Flickr or Facebook to store photos which you can view in a slideshow during a break for a mental boost.

5. Ritualize

At the end of each day, schedule 10 minutes to clean up and organize your desk space.  Once you get into the habit it will be easier.  Eventually you may be able to reduce it to once a week after your other organizational habits kick in.

Once you get your desk organized with the right systems that work for you, you can go back to living your life free of fear!

scary desk graphic


Is your desk still as scary as ever? Enter The Organized Lifestyle’s 1st Annual Scary Desk Contest! The lucky winner will recieve professional organizing services from Kristin Mastromarino to help you brave the challenge of organizing your Scary Desk.  Visit www.theorganizedlifestyle.com for more information on the contest or to download an entry form!

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