There are so many great organizing books in the marketplace. As a Professional Organizer I have read a lot of books on this topic over the years. Few have impressed me with new or innovative information. That’s why as New Year’s resolutions approach, I thought it would be a great time to share some of my favorite organizing books. These books cover a variety of topics related to organization. They make a great gift to yourself or a loved one struggling with organizational challenges.
Here are my top 10 picks from the organizing books I have read in the last 20 years in no particular order. Please note this post contains affiliate links.
No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs: The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Guide to Time Productivity and Sanity, By Dan S. Kennedy
Even though this book is marketed to entrepreneurs, so much of it applies to the general workplace. I found it entertaining and scribbled tons of notes while I was reading it. Some of the important concepts are how to calculate the value of your time, ward of time vampires and master productivity skills.
2. Simple Steps: 10 Weeks to Getting Control of Your Life, by Lisa Lelas & Linda McClintock
This is one of my favorite organizing books. It was co-written by one of my Professional Organizing Colleagues. I love it because it targets females who feel overwhelmed keeping track of too many daily details. It outlines weekly steps you can take to calm down your life and simplify your spaces. It is easy to file and gives achievable goals to follow.
3. How to Organize Just About Everything, by Peter Walsh
This book is like a comprehensive encyclopedia for organizing. I love Peter Walsh’s approach to balancing the emotions involved in organizing with the practical tips you need to accomplish order. This book is organized by topic and a great reference for creating filing systems, cleaning out your garage or helping with time management ideas. It is still one of my favorite organizing books of all time.
4. Organizing from the Inside Out, By Julie Morgenstern
This is a classic organizing book I still refer to after almost 20 years in the business. It is inspiring, practical and has easy to remember tips. Her S.P.A.C.E. acronym outlines the basics of organizing any space in an easy to remember concept. Also, I love how she outlines the estimated time that most spaces take to organize. It gives you a realistic view of what you are up against before you start a project.
5. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, By Marie Kondo
When this book came out, it was the first organizing book I had a read in a long time that I felt really added something new to the conversation. Kondo’s concept of thinking about how you feel when you touch an object as an indicator of whether it is time to say goodbye to it is a really powerful message. She has made a whole sub industry out of concepts. This book is worth reading to think about organizing in a whole new way than just sorting items.
6. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey
This is another organizing classic organizing book in my mind. There are many great concepts to help prioritize your most important goals, balance work and family and manage your time effectively. I often go back to the concept am I being “reactive” or “proactive” with my actions each day.
7. Women with Attention Deficit Disorder: Embrace Your Differences and Transform Your Life, By Sari Solden
Years ago, a client recommended this book to me because it was so eye opening for her. It really helped me understand ADD more and how it specifically affects women. It made me a better Professional Organizer in helping those I work with who have ADD or ADHD.
8. Children of Hoarders: How to Minimize Conflict, Reduce the Clutter and Improve Your Relationship, by Fugen Neziroglu, PhD, ABBP ABPP and Katherine Donnelly, PhD
This book is a great read if you are a family member dealing with a hoarder or want to understand what hoarding is and how it affects the family unit. The authors really drill down the traits of hoarding and its causes in an easy-to-understand book. I often refer to it in my own Professional Organizing work.
9. The Automatic Millionaire, Expanded and Updated: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich, by David Bach
You might wonder why I put this book on a list of books to help you organize. This book is excellent for financial concepts and planning. It has great tips and a new way to think bigger picture about your finances. Since many of my clients also struggle to manage their finances, I really believe that reading this book helps you think about putting that part of your life in order.
10. The Complete Life & Home Decluttering Workbook, by Kristin Vander Wiede
It would not be a complete list if I did not include my own book, the Complete Life & Home Decluttering Workbook. If you have a friend or family member constantly wanting to get organized, this printable PDF workbook is a great way to get them motivated to organize this year. It is a step-by-step guide filled with templates and assignments to deal with the emotional and physical clutter in your life. It addresses your goals, home declutter, office declutter, relationships, mind and body, cleaning routines, setting up a tag sale and creating a maintenance plan. The best part is you can edit online and print out the templates as many times as you need them.
I hope you found some new inspiration from my list of favorite organization books.
Happy Organizing!
Kristin Vander Wiede is a Professional Organizer and owner of Livable Solutions Professional Organizing and Life’s Lists printable organizing labels, systems and activities.